Frequently Read Articles
- Which steps to follow on getting an error during Xobin test?
- What is proctoring and how to enable webcam proctoring?
- How to add/upload your own Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) in Bulk on Xobin Platform?
- How to use Xobin's "Pre-built Skills Assessments"?
- How to randomize the questions from a pool of questions?
- What are the cheating prevention measures for tests?
Browse All Categories
- TracksTracks help you combine assessments, XoForms, interviews and gives a personalized candidate journey, helping recruiters streamline hiring with AutoAdvance.
- AI EvaluateXobin AI evaluate is a tool that transforms interviews through recording, transcribing and post-interview analytics and in making better hiring decisions.
- XOFORMSXoForms is video first job application forms, receive applicants, and schedule Xobin Assessments and interviews.
- CAMPUS HIRINGThings to take care of before going to the campus drive
- INVITING BULK CANDIDATESInvite Large pool of candidates at once
- REPORTSQueries on assessment reports
- USER MANAGEMENTKnow about your privileges in the Xobin platform.
- INVITING VIA OPEN LINKInviting candidates via open link
- INVITING VIA EMAILCandidate invitation via Email
- PRE-BUILT TESTSGetting started with Assessment Creation
- PSYCHOMETRIC TESTSAssess the personality, psych and behavioral traits of applicants.
- TEST SETTINGSAssessment Test Settings
- ASSIGNMENT MODEQueries on Assignment mode
- CHEATING PREVENTIONConduct cheat-proof assessments with Xobin's inbuilt cheating prevention measures.
- CREATE FROM SCRATCHBuilding Assessments from the scratch
- ADD YOUR OWN QUESTIONSAdding your own questions to the library
- QUESTION LIBRARYKnow more about Xobin's Question library
- XOBIN FAQsSome of the most asked questions
- WHITE LABELINGKnow about the custom branding that xobin provides
- BILLING QUERIESKnow about the plans and payments
- CODE PAIRINGSee the candidate in real-time and assess his/her coding ability.