How to write notes about XoForm responses?
XoForms can help you get all the necessary details from the candidates. Based on the response details, we allow writing a note for every candidate and every Xobin user can write, edit and delete their notes for every candidate response. Watch out a video here.
Follow the below steps to write a note for every XoForm response:-
Sign in to Xobin Dashboard and navigate to XoForms. For every XoForms, you'll find a View response button.

You can view all the XoForms responses. Click on More details to view the response details received from candidates.

In More Details page, click on Notes, Write your note below and hit Submit. You'll find all the notes given by different Xobin users of your account. You can edit/update, delete your note. Note will be visible to everyone having the access to your Xobin account.

Follow the below steps to write a note for every XoForm response:-
Sign in to Xobin Dashboard and navigate to XoForms. For every XoForms, you'll find a View response button.

You can view all the XoForms responses. Click on More details to view the response details received from candidates.

In More Details page, click on Notes, Write your note below and hit Submit. You'll find all the notes given by different Xobin users of your account. You can edit/update, delete your note. Note will be visible to everyone having the access to your Xobin account.

Updated on: 08/11/2022
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