How to add an images in answers or options in an MCQ Question ?
Xobin does not allow to add images in answers or in options in an MCQ question for now.
To deal with that, you can add the options in the question itself.
To create your MCQ question with images, go to "Questions" tab. There, click "My Questions" tab.
In "My Questions" tab, click "Add Domains". Name your domain. Press "Add Domain" for your domain to be created.

On the top, there is a drop-down called "Create Question". Click and select "Create MCQ Question"

Type your domain name which you created, select the difficulty, and describe the question.
Press "Upload" button , and choose the image you want to upload in the question.
Follow the same procedure to upload other three options of the question
Give the image's alphabetical/numbered list in the question as the options. Press the radio button without fail to choose the right answer.
Press "Save Question" button at the bottom of your page.

To have a look at your question, go to "My questions" and select your domain name. The question can be previewed using "View" button.

For any further queries, kindly connect with us at
To deal with that, you can add the options in the question itself.
To create your MCQ question with images, go to "Questions" tab. There, click "My Questions" tab.
In "My Questions" tab, click "Add Domains". Name your domain. Press "Add Domain" for your domain to be created.

On the top, there is a drop-down called "Create Question". Click and select "Create MCQ Question"

Type your domain name which you created, select the difficulty, and describe the question.
Press "Upload" button , and choose the image you want to upload in the question.
Follow the same procedure to upload other three options of the question
Give the image's alphabetical/numbered list in the question as the options. Press the radio button without fail to choose the right answer.
Press "Save Question" button at the bottom of your page.

To have a look at your question, go to "My questions" and select your domain name. The question can be previewed using "View" button.

For any further queries, kindly connect with us at
Updated on: 01/19/2022
Thank you!