Can I add questions with less than 4 options ?

Xobin assessment software allows recruiters to custom build an assessment by adding their own questions.

How to add questions with less than 4 options ?

Login to Xobin Assessment platform dashboard, click on 'Questions' tab - It will open up the entire Xobin question library.

Go to My Questions and Click on the Create Questions Button

Select first option - Create MCQ question. Select a Domain and Difficulty level of the question in Problem Category. Also, add the Question context in Problem Statement.

Add any 2 or 3 options and keep the remaining options empty. Mark the correct answer and save the question.

If you want to upload questions in bulk at once, you can create the questionnaire of the below format, add any 2 or 3 options and keep the other box empty in an Excel Sheet --> convert it into CSV file and click on 'Upload CSV' and click on 'Save Question'

Updated on: 01/18/2022

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